Waldringfield Village Hall
The Team
Find out about the facilities we offer, the team that keeps things running and our polices.
Committed to Serving the Community
Both the main Deben Hall and the smaller Kennedy room are available to book. Bookings can be made online, or if you need help, you can call the bookings number (see below). Terms and conditions apply.
Marian Bradley
01473 736534
The Village Lottery is maintained and run by Nigel King. Draws are made monthly, usually at the Coffee Mornings, and winners are announced by Nigel. There are four cash prizes, and all proceeds are used to support the Village Hall.
Nigel King
01473 736534
The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring good financial due-diligence and the upkeep of all financial records, for overseeing the financial affairs of the organisation and ensuring its financial stability and compliance.
Amanda Sims
01473 736534
Nigel looks after ticket sales for events.
Nigel King
01473 736534
Coffee Mornings
Each month there is the Village Coffee Morning - all are invited. There are always homemade cakes, as well as coffees and teas. There is often a tombola and other fundraising activities too.
Chris Lyons
01473 736534
Focus is the village hall magazine which is published twice a year. It let's people know what's going on, keeps people up to date on current events and provides a place for local businesses to advertise.
Sarah Wood
01473 736534
Village Hall Committee
The Committee is responsible for the day to day running and upkeep of the Village Hall.
Sarah Wood
01473 736534
There are always events going on at the village hall ...
Joyce Lukeman
01473 736534
The Trustees oversee governance, ensure legal compliance, manage finances, set strategy, and safeguard resources, acting collectively to achieve the charity’s objectives while protecting beneficiaries and public trust.
Phil Hall
01473 736534
Maintenance of all aspects of the hall.
John Nayler
01473 736534